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The Corporate Shift to Cage-Free Eggs & What It Really Means
In the past year, chances are you’ve heard at least one large corporation proudly announce their pledge to shift to entirely cage-free eggs. It seems to be the newest way for companies to meet the demands of the growing “food movement”. Target, Denny’s, McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, even Walmart — the nation’s largest food retailer — have all pledged to go entirely cage-free… but what exactly does that mean, and is it as impressive as it seems?
Raw Honey: What it Means and How it Differs from Store-bought
Of all the buzzwords floating around the sustainable food world—superfood, antioxidant, probiotic, etc. — “raw” belongs rather high on the list. So what exactly does it mean when honey is labeled raw and why is it better for you than typical commercial honey?
Maple Syrup Grading: What You Should Know
As May approaches, so go the days of tapping maple trees to collect their sweet sap. It’s the end of the maple syrup season, and in places like Quebec and Vermont, two of the world’s largest producers (77% and 5.5%, respectively, of global supply), maple operations are transforming sap to syrups in massive quantities. But how exactly is maple syrup graded?
The Short and Sweet Maple Syrup Season: How it Works
The thought of maple syrup evokes a variety of images for people depending on who you ask. Some think of Canada, others a short stack like their mom used to serve it. Whatever maple syrup reminds you of, one thing is certain, people love it. So while we’re still in the rather short maple syrup season, let’s talk about some maple syrup basics.
Late-Night Snacking: Do's and Don'ts
Some information and advice for those that like to grab a midnight snack.
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