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Get Ready for Easter with Homemade and Natural Egg Dyes!
Dyeing eggs for Easter and for many other non-Christian religious holidays is a common tradition in many families. But do you know what goes into those artificial food dyes, and what effect they may have on your health? Learn how to dye eggs safely using ingredients easily found in your kitchen or from a farmer near you!
What are Food Systems and why should you care about them?
The term "food system" has been mentioned frequently in the traditional and online media lately. But do you know what it means, and why it is important not only for researchers or economists, but for just about anyone who eats? Read on to learn more about food systems and some of the reasons to prefer local food systems over global.
WWOOF - Willing Workers on Organic Farms
Are you looking to travel the world and promote sustainability at the same time? Or are you an organic farmer seeking an extra set of hands? You may want to get involved in WWOOF, the Willing Workers on Organic Farms program.
Healthy and Green Recipes for a Festive St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick's Day is this Friday, March 17! You know you will be wearing green, and maybe drinking some Guinness. But do you know what you are going to eat to celebrate the greenest day of the year?

Pioneer Food – Buckwheat Flour and the Legends of America
Buckwheat was a staple in the early American diet, especially during the pioneer days. Its popularity had diminished somewhat in later years, but it has been going through quite a revival lately. This is thanks to the great nutritional properties of this grain, and also a rise in the number of Americans choosing a gluten-free diet. Read on to learn more about this grain, which is, in fact, not a grain at all!
What are Food Buying Clubs and how can they help eat better?
Food buying clubs capture the essence of sustainability as they are good for the environment, good for farmer's livelihood and good for people. But some people are not familiar with this growing in popularity model of food buying.
National CSA Sign Up Day
Today, February 24th, 2017 is a National CSA Day 2017. Quite a few people don't know what CSA stands for, and why this model is important not just for farmers, but for consumers as well. Learn more, and find a CSA farm near you to celebrate small farmers and support local agriculture.
What to eat to spark the flame for the Valentine’s Day
For centuries, people have sought out aphrodisiac foods to help increase fertility and sexual desire. Aphrodisiacs are named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, and it would appear that a lot of our common aphrodisiacs and associations of love stem from that ancient time.
Grandma's Way - Farm Fresh Eggs vs Store Bought Eggs
Remember when grandma would let you lick the bowl when she baked a cake or a batch of cookies? Oh, the simple pleasures of childhood! Fast forward to today’s moms, they face some concerns over the freshness of eggs, often foregoing the offer of that batter coated bowl. That not only dampens our nostalgic longings, but leads us to ponder; what happened in between our carefree, spoon-licking childhood and modern adulthood? Did eggs somehow change?
Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized
Raw milk is perhaps one of the most controversial topics when it comes to food. On one side, it is treated like poison. On the other, like it’s the elixir of life. You may think that this is an exaggeration — but it really is not. But what exactly does it even mean for milk to be “raw” in the first place?
What to eat in the winter to boost your immune system
Winter is the time of a year when everyone at school or in the office seems to be getting sick! Sneezing and coughing is all around. But if you don’t want to catch a flu with all of its unpleasant symptoms you should try to stimulate your immune system using suitable food. Let’s try to find out what food products will be most helpful during long winter months.
Season for skiing: what is a good food to enjoy before and after skiing and other winter sports
There are a lot of people who really enjoy winter sports. But all winter sports require a lot of physical effort, so you should prepare accordingly. You will face nature with its cold and dry mountain air. If you want to enjoy your weekend winter getaway, you should make sure that you know what food and drinks will be most appropriate.
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