Online magazine - Know Your Food

Learn more about the nourishing food items our local farmers produce, and get inspired to start cooking with them in your own home!
Know Your Food: Red Russian Kale
Though it may be inevitable in today’s food-trend-centric market to avoid that hardy, chewy, dark leafy green known as kale, there are so many varieties that it’s likely you have not seen them all. Red Russian kale, also known as Ragged Jack kale, is an heirloom variety thought to have been brought to Canada from Siberia by Russian traders circa 1885. Like most varieties of kale, it’s a hardy, green plant. Unlike other varieties of kale, it has a purple stem and wispy, oak-like leaves—that happen to turn purple, and get sweeter, in cold weather.
Know Your Food: Fresh Whole Milk
Do you know everything about this staple of the modern diet? Popularity of farm fresh milk has been growing lately, and quite a few dietitian nutritionists now recommend whole milk as compared to fat-free or reduced fat one. Read on to learn why!
Know Your Food: Pastured/Free-Range Eggs
Chicken eggs have been a part of human diet for thousands of years. Unfortunately, with the shift to industrial agriculture methods, both animal welfare and nutritional qualities of eggs have suffered. Recent emphasis on pastured or free-range eggs, however, means return of at least some of the original qualities of this indispensable product. But what exactly does it mean when eggs are marketed as free-range or pastured?
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