Online magazine - Know Your Food

Learn more about the nourishing food items our local farmers produce, and get inspired to start cooking with them in your own home!
Know Your Food: A2 Milk
With the increasing popularity of “dairy-free” products, it’s evident that many people are looking for an alternative to regular cow’s milk, and more specifically the digestive issues that often come with it. Of these alternatives, A2 milk is one of the trendiest, popping up on grocery stores shelves everywhere. But what exactly is it, and is A2 milk really better for your health?
Know Your Food: Moringa
Moringa is a plant that, until just a few years ago, has not been known to many consumers in western countries. For thousands of years, however, the leaves, bark, flowers, seeds and other parts of it have been used in India to make medicines and as a food source. The popularity of this plant has exploded in Europe and North America since early 2010’s and it has been growing ever since. Here are some basic facts about this tree, and its current and potential uses.
Know your food: Mint
The ancient Greek myths say that mint appeared as the result of jealousy of Persephone - the goddess of fertility and the underworld (she was the wife of Hades). According to the legend, Hades had a lover - a nymph Minta. Persephone was very jealous and turned her into a plant - a scented mint. This fragrant grass spread all over the world and today there are more than thirty species of it.
Know your food: Cloves
Spicy cloves that we use to prepare food and drinks, are just not opened dried flower buds of the clove tree (or Sigismum). This tree is the "resident" of the Malukas Islands of Indonesia, but now it is found in India, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Brazil and Madagascar. For two thousand years, clove and clove oil were widely used in Indian and Chinese folk medicine. What is the secret of its benefit?
Know your food: Oat milk
A lot of people must have heard about oat milk. It's an excellent product for replacing traditional cow or goat milk for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Can it compete with products of animal origin for its usefulness and nutritional value? Let’s try to find out.
Know your food: Carrot
Who does not like bright, juicy and crunchy carrots? This root vegetable can be bought at any store at any time of the year. We are so used to it that we no longer consider it a superfood. And we forget that initially this vegetable was cultivated because of its medicinal properties.
Know your food: gelatin
Gelatin is most often used for desserts. A smooth texture and the ability to fantasize made it a favorite ingredient for cooks. What is gelatin? It is a protein that has neither taste nor smell, but has the property of "freezing" dishes.
Know Your Food: Sesame Seeds
Looking at small sesame seeds it is difficult to imagine that the history of their existence goes far into antiquity. The Assyrian Book of Creation says that the Gods drank sesame wine while creating the world.
Know your food: Duck eggs
Meat of chicken, turkey, quail and chicken eggs - these are the products that you will find in the refrigerator of any housewife. As for the duck meat and duck eggs, they are unfairly pushed into the background.
Know Your Food: Argan Oil
Over the last few years, we have witnessed a real boom in the use of food products for cosmetic purposes, beginning with green tea bags instead of eye patches, ending with natural oils instead of cream. Only occasionally cosmetic products work their way from the make-up table to the kitchen table. Perhaps, the only exception is argan oil.
Know your food: Cinnamon
Do you like cinnamon? Today it can be bought in every store, and earlier ordinary people could only dream about it.
Know Your Food: Muesli
Muesli (or traditional type of cereal) today is one of the best-selling products in the world. A healthy breakfast containing cereal, fruits, nuts and honey – what else can be more nutritious and tasty to help start the day! Believe it or not, they have appeared on the shelves of our supermarkets only relatively recently, but they have a very rich history.
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