onions - fresh (and bolted)

onions - fresh (and bolted)
50 time(s)
Newburg, MD
$3.00$1.50 / lb
  • Pickup
  • Direct Payment
This product is not available now
  • Pickup
  • Direct Payment
Fresh onions are not cured for storage. How often do you get to eat a fresh onion anyway? Answer: for only a select time of the year!

This particular opportunity comes about by way of the bolting biennial onion believing itself to be in its second year. Biennial in that onions are a flowering plant that take two years to complete their biological life cycle. In their first year, they undergo primary growth, in which vegetative structures: leaves, stems, and roots develop (at the end of this phase is when we like to eat them). In their second year they aim to reproduce, ie bolt. Bolting is the term used for the reproductive phase when a plant shoots up vertically, sending out a flowering stalk for seed production. The term bolting in agricultural context has negative connotations, in that we use it when something is blooming that we do not want to bloom. Such as now, with the onion. BUT, this is one of the many boons of small-scale farming, NO WASTE! We shall NOT throw out these onions because they do not meet market standards (so boring; everything the same; so contrary to nature and creative forces)! We shall make the best of them AND EAT LOTS OF FRESH ONIONS RIGHT NOW! This is called:

Eating with the seasons!
Making hay when the sun shines!
Seizing the day!
And even:
Willfull waste makes woeful want!
(in the big picture, if not now, then for future generations)

Let’s use up these onions! A bolting onion is perfectly good. It will store for weeks in your fridge, but not for months. This is due to the fact that the neck has a big fat flowering stalk going through it, which makes it impossible for the neck to seal the onion bulb into a nice closed package for storage. I have provided a picture with a cross section of the bolting onion - see here. Do as I did: cut the onion in half from head to toe, top to root. You will then find the flowering stalk exposed, also cut in half. Remove these flowering stalk halves, and then proceed to use your onion as desired. The stalk should be removed because it is on the tough side.

alliums (onion/garlic/leek family)


Don and Raquel's home (Alexandria City, VA)
Don Walsh
703-548-5742 landline
PICKUP DAY AND HOURS: Tuesdays, 10 am - 2 pm. Ideally orders are picked up within this window, but it will still be there waiting for you if you cannot make it until later, but please do pickup by sunset.

IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME PICKING UP FROM THIS LOCATION, please make note of that in the comments section upon placing your order.

I will then provide you with directions (since GPSs don't recognize relevant one-ways), as well as instructions for payment. You may choose to bring your own bag into which to transfer your order upon pickup. Or you may choose to pay a one-time $30 bag fee and take the bag home, returning it at your next order pickup in exchange for another bag.

UPON PICKUP: Using right of way sidewalk on the left side of the house, walk the full length of the house and enter through the wooden gate on your right hand side into the patio at the back of the house. Bags will be in the foyer or utility closet outside the basement door.

I will provide an envelope in your bag. Please place your check or cash payment into this envelope. If making a cash payment, please use the bag name label as your payment identification. Deposit the envelope in the mail slot at the front door.
Next Step Produce (Newburg, MD)
Gabrielle Lajoie
PICKUP DAY AND HOURS: Both Saturday and Tuesday pickups are available as of 9 am. You are welcome to pickup at your convenience any time or day after that.

IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME PICKING UP FROM THIS LOCATION, you deserve a new customer orientation! Upon placing your first order for pickup from this location, please provide your requested day and time for your first-time pickup in the comments section provided. We will send you an email to confirm or reschedule. After your new customer orientation, you will be self-sufficient!
Wakefield Hall Apartment (Washington, DC)
PICKUP DAY AND HOURS: Tuesdays, strictly 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

There is a half-circle driveway where you can short-term park. You will be provided with a code to enter the apartment building.

IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME PICKING UP FROM THIS LOCATION, please make note of that in the comments section upon placing your order.

I will then provide you with a code to enter the apartment building, as well as instructions for payment. You may choose to bring your own bag into which to transfer your order upon pickup. Or you may choose to pay a one time $30 bag fee and take the bag home, returning it at your next order pickup in exchange for another bag.

UPON PICKUP: Your NSP bag will be waiting for you in the lobby. Take it if you've opted to pay the $30 bag fee for the convenience of taking the bag home with you every time, and at your following order, bring back the bag, leaving it in place of your new one. Otherwise, please plan to bring your own bag into which to transfer your order.

I will provide an envelope in your bag. Please place your check or cash payment into this envelope. If making a cash payment, please use the bag name label as your payment identification. Drop your payment envelope through the slot of the office door next to the lobby (up a couple steps and to the left as you enter).
Zen and Vitality with Zoa (LaPlata, MD)
Zoa Conner
Saturday pickups by appointment 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Tuesday pickups by appointment 9:00 am - 6:00 pm.

Please fill out the following Zen and Vitality with Zoa new client information form:

Please schedule a pickup using the following form:

We accept cash or check payment upon pickup. If making a cash payment, please use the bag name label as your payment identification. Envelopes are provided alongside the drop box.
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