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Berkshire pigs are a heritage breed of pig considered amongst the best tasting. They feed on Fertrell’s “natural” formula in a barley and wheat mix of feed ground fresh at an Amish feed mill. Our Berkshires grow slower on their barley/wheat feed, but it helps make their fat distinctively tastier, tastier, compared to conventional non GMO corn/soy feed pig feed. Portable electric fences allow us to rotate them through the oak and poplar woods to root for grubs, acorns, whatever strikes their fancy, making them particularly delicious. Our Berkshires are harvested after the acorn season to enhance their taste.
Our Angus cows are humanely raised and feed only on grass and kelp and free choice organic minerals. We practice “ultra high density grazing,” also known as mob grazing – like the herds of buffalo, that in the past grazed and then quickly moved on. Eating a small percentage of forage, and trampling most of the forage and manure, the buffalo herds enriched the soil and grasses that remained behind. To emulate that “herd effect,” we move our cows twice a day to fresh pasture – making our cows and our soil healthier each day.
Longview Farm pastured chicken. Non-GMO feed, moved daily to fresh pasture, none of that grocery store taste. Our hens spend most of the year in “chicken tractors” - bottomless pens that are moved once a day to fresh pasture, where they can hunt and peck for fresh insects and grass and worms. Even small snakes should beware as chickens are eager carnivores. Our hens eat a non-GMO corn / soy feed mixed with Fertrell’s natural vitamin mineral supplement. The chickens on pasture also have a role to play - fertilizing the fields and eating the parasites in the cow patties. They are not free range because there are red tail hawks, bald eagles, foxes and raccoons who would enjoy a chicken dinner. In the winter, when the weather freezes the water pipes, we move the chickens up near the house to a straw bale house with a sunny southern exposure, translucent roof and a large outdoor pen.
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