Turkey breast -- boneless skinless

Turkey breast -- boneless skinless
67 time(s)
Buying Club
Bowie, MD
$6.50 / lb
About 2-3# each
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Boneless, skinless turkey breast packaged in approximately 1.5 lb packages.

Pastured Turkeys

The turkeys are 100% raised on pasture with a supplemental of soy free and GMO free grain mix using beyond organic techniques. Turkeys will move to grass field after six weeks. In addition to whole turkeys, turkey feet, legs, breasts, heads, hearts, wings are also available, as well as ground turkey dark and white meat. Pre-order fresh turkey at a great price before Thanksgiving. All turkeys are processed on farm so they are fresh. Know exactly where your food is coming from!
Brown Cow (Bowie)
Pick up from 11- 9 pm on Thursdays. Pick up is in the driveway of the site home. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Canary (Capitol Hill)
Pick up usually from 12-9 pm or by arrangement. Access is through the back alley. Enter through the backyard gate. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Gorilla (Greenbelt)
Pick up from about noon until 9 pm on Thursdays. Pick up is in the driveway of the site home. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Hansel Hill Farm (Millersville)
Liz Reitzig
Pick up is just in the driveway on the right hand side in the small, covered porch area.
Look for your items in the large ice chests and pick up items with your name on the bag(s).
Hippo (Hyattsville)
Pick up from drop off until 9 pm on Thursdays. Pick up is in the back via the alley off 43rd street. It is the middle house on the block. Look for the chain-link fence and the coolers on the pallet. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Monkey (Millersville)
Pick up usually from 9:00am-9:00pm or by arrangement. Pick up is at a working farm. Items are located in the small covered porch area by the chicken coop. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Panther (Bowie)
Pick up between 11am-9:00pm. Pick up is in the driveway of the site home. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Sparrow (Severna Park)
Pick up between 11am-9:00pm. Pick up is in the driveway accessed via Park Dr.
Park your vehicles on Park dr. (The driveway belongs to a neighbor). Walk 50 (ish) feet to the white shed and you'll see the coolers on a parking pad.

For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Swan (Silver Spring)
Pick up between 3:00-9:00pm. Pick up is in the driveway of the site home. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Unicorn (U street DC)
Pick up usually from 3-9 pm or by arrangement. Access is through the back alley only. For additional questions, please contact us at grassfedonthehill@gmail.com
Triadelphia Lake View
Triadelphia Lake View (TLV) Farm is a diversified 5th generation family farm in Howard County. Well-known for their cut-your-own Christmas trees, this farm is a staple in the community. While they own about 90 acres, they support other local farms through leasing land to grow hay, feed, and to pasture some of their animals. Turkeys are all raised on pasture once they can go outside at 6 weeks old. They are supplemented with a soy-free ration that is all GMO-free. Turkeys are processed on farm. Parts are available year-round and whole turkeys available seasonally. Farmer Jamie has the capacity to grow a lot of turkeys and prices them for large sales volume. So we get great turkey for a great price!
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