How do I know if joining a CSA is right for me? I don’t want to pay all that money and then be disappointed.
It is true that the CSA model is not for everybody.
With respect to the Food CSA, you probably ARE a good candidate if, in addition to desiring natural, locally grown, farm-fresh food, you possess one or more of the following characteristics:
– you and your family have the time to cook and like cooking and preparing meals or dishes from scratch;
– you and your family like to cook and are willing to experiment with new ingredients and recipes;
– you are okay with occasionally getting something in your box of which you aren’t particularly fond
– your schedule permits you to regularly make the drop-off time and location.
You are probably NOT a good Food CSA candidate if:
– there are more than one or two vegetables and/or herbs that you and your family do not like;
– you and your family like fresh food but do not have the time to prepare it;
– you and your family do not like “surprises”, i.e., to experiment with foods you have not ever eaten;
– you are not willing to be creative when your box contains something you do not like
– you know in advance that your schedule is such that you cannot regularly make the drop-off time and location.
Whether the CSA model is or is not right for you, we encourage you to come meet us!
Target production for our full family CSA Share is 8-10 lbs per week. It feeds a family of four adequately.