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I love this rice! The favor and texture are wonderful. I use it for all rice dishes, including rice puddings. I get the 15-lb size and it keeps beautifully in the freezer.
I looked everywhere for raw butter before I found Cache Meadow Creamery! This cultured butter is so rich and yummy and such a great price!
Wow! This cream really blew me away the first time that i tried it - so thick and rich that after it had sat in my refrigerator for a couple of days I had to use a spoon to get it out of the jar. The price is great too - just add a spoonful of the cultured buttermilk or plain yogurt and have divine Crème Fraîche the next morning.
What a beautiful cream line! This milk is heavenly. Thank you!
These eggs are delicious! The yolks are also really nice and rich, with a beautiful orange color. The price is also great. For the best scrambled eggs ever just put a little butter in the bottom of the pan, beat some eggs and mix in some heavy cream, some finely chopped onion, and sprinkle on a little salt and pepper. Definitely not the same flavor that you get with commercially produced 'ghost' eggs (as my kids call them now.)
I love this soap - it has a really nice lather and smells really good - not too strong, but not too faint either. I will definitely buy it again!
These writ warmers are as beautiful as they are warm. It was exactly what I wanted and Libby worked closely with me to make sure it was everything I needed and wanted. I am a very happy customer and will return many times!
The meat itself was fine so I don't like rating it as "negative quality" but the amount of fat was unacceptable. The meat was swimming in fat in the pan.

After moving the meat to paper towels, I poured the fat that was left in the pan into a measuring cup. There was more than 1/4 cup of fat rendered from one pound of ground beef.

For comparison, I paid extra attention when I later cooked up a 2-lb package of ground beef from Miller's farm. There was no accumulated fat in the pan, just a slight slick to the bottom of the pan. Night and day difference.
Now I've had the stew beef. Loosely followed the recipe that was provided. Again, I carefully trimmed the meat although there wasn't much to trim. Didn't flour the meat, just sauteed it in the Instant Pot, then added tomato paste and water I had used to steam carrots the other day (not even stock, just carrot water). Salt, pepper, thyme. It was excellent. Would skip the carrots in the recipe next time because the IP made them mushy. But will definitely make the beef this wasy again. In fact, I've already ordered more stew beef and more pork chops.
Thick and syrupy. Very sweet.
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